Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Union New Jersey has Officially Arrived.

When I drive through Union New Jersey it literally feels like I am in a time warp. Like Nixon is still president. I love this. Not that I'm a big fan of Nixon. I'm not. I just like idea of a town stuck in a different era. Well things are starting to change.


It's ok. Union can't be stuck in the 1960's forever. Big things are in store for this awesome town. First off. The arrival of Sushi. Last year a trendy new Sushi Bar opened it's doors on Morris Ave. -- the main drag. This is a huge step for Union. Second. Starbucks. A new Starbucks recently opened in the Gynormous Shop & Stop on Stuvysant Avenue. And Third. Whole Foods. Whole Foods Market is relocating from it's current location in Millburn to the Vauxhall Section of Union. This is huge.

All these exciting changes coupled with excellent transportation options (Bus, Train), leads me to believe that there will be a serious new interest in this great town.

If you are in the process of searching for a home, but feel priced out of areas like: Maplewood, South Orange and Millburn -- why not give Union a shot. It might just be the best move you will ever make. For more info please contact me via the link below.


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